DNF (did not finish)... This book had such a cool and fresh storyline that I was excited to read it! Until I stumbled upon the language scattered through this book about as often as the word "the" or "a". Oh well... :(
Language: LOTS! Multiple F-bombs and various other language is scattered throughout.
Adult Stuff: I only got a few chapters in but the book discussed some adult content and the heroine is very blunt so it can be taken as rude. There is also talk that Rose and Lissa had a romantic relationship (which is not true). There is also.... tension between the Rose and Dimitri.
Violence: A few descriptions of how to kill Strigoi but not graphic.
Overall Age Rating: Older teens in my opinion.
This book had SO much potential and I feel like it only scratched the surface. It was refreshing to have characters with personality, and depth. Overall it was a fun and easy read. Language: None Adult stuff: Just a few light kisses but nothing inappropriate Violence: A few descriptions of vampire kills but not graphic Overall Age Rating: I'd say a ten-year-old could read it and be fine
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