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Showing posts from May, 2018

Let's talk Midterms

Midterms... ah, can I just *groan. First off, they're pointless. I mean like seriously! We have Finals, isn't that enough? I have online classes and they expect me to take midterm exams? Ha! I have enough to do. I mean, it'd be one thing if they lightened up the weekly workload and had us just do the exam... but no... they have us do our normal school week AND a high point exam or project. WHY? Are you trying to make me go gray early? I have compiled the stages of midterms.... enjoy. When you see the midterm.  The frantic studying (more like student dying). When you've reached your limit and you just need a moment to vent. Then.... the stressful moment of taking the exam: During the exam... When there's a trick question, but it might not be a trick question. Submitting the exam. When you realize that pass or fail you can get a job at Mcdonalds and you're cool with that. No more college. You just don't care... there is

Meet Monkey!

Hi! I have had my Monkey girl for a few months now and she is so cute and SO soft. I thought I'd introduce her to you guys. Her name is Monkey, you can follow her on Instagram  @monkey_thekitty  and see her latest escapades and mischief.  She is part Tabby and part Maine Coone. She has many middle names and it gets longer daily. A few are Lycan, Tigeris, Charlie, Boots, Flannel, Mischief, and Bella. Here are a few pictures of her.. please excuse the yellow date in the corner.  She isn't the biggest fan of my sisters' cat...  Such a lover. A lover and a fighter!  "Who? Me?"  "You know you love me.."

Broke out my camera the other day

Finally charged my camera and took a few pictures the other day. Here are a few of the shots I took... "'You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take'- Wayne Gretzky"-Michael Scott. *please excuse the incorrect date in the corner

Fire (Graceling #2) by Kristin Cashore

It is not a peaceful time in the Dells. The young King Nash clings to his throne while rebel lords in the north and south build armies to unseat him. The mountains and forests are filled with spies and thieves and lawless men. This is where Fire lives. With a wild, irresistible appearance and hair the color of flame, Fire is the last remaining human monster. Equally hated and adored, she had the unique ability to control minds, but she guards her power, unwilling to steal the secrets of innocent people. Especially when she has so many of her own. Then Prince Brigan comes to bring her to King City, The royal family needs her help to uncover the plot against the king. Far away from home, Fire begins to realize there's more to her power than she ever dreamed. Her power could save the kingdom. If only she weren't afraid of becoming the monster her father was. ** spoiler alert **  Ok........ so I loved Graceling. It was awesome! The fighting, the humor, th

Choice Summer (The Nikki Sheridan Series #1) by Shirley Brinkerhoff

Life for Nikki Sheridan has always been the same no surprises, no scrapes, no crises, no escapes. This summer will change all that. "Sure enough, honey-" Her hollow words reverberated off the cold, antiseptic walls of the examination room, and inside my head. I stopped listening. How could this have happened to me? More accurately, how will I ever forget? Especially now that there's this little reminder to think about. What am I going to do? Telling my parents - I don't even want to think about that! And Grandma and Grandpa would be so disappointed. No. It's just like the nurse at the clinic said I can have it taken care of, and then my life can just go back to normal. But I have to do it right away, before anyone finds out, before I start gaining weight- Her worst fears confirmed, Nikki's plans come to a screeching halt when she realizes that, for the first time in her life, the choice is hers to make. What will she decide? And can she follow through wit

Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #1) by Maggie Stiefvater

I liked the science behind the wolves. I thought that a few scenes were either slow or not needed. I don't know. That's probably just me. It also seemed like the characters weren't fully developed and that they flip-flopped a lot throughout the story. While reading it I felt like I was reading all the horror stories of high school drama.  Language: Mild and rare. Adult Stuff: Kisses, sometimes passionate. There is also a bedroom scene that kinda 'fades to black' but not really. A lot of the scene and descriptions didn't need to be added. Violence: One of the characters had a horrific childhood and the main character gets.... hurt a few times with blood mentioned. There is also descriptions of how the shifting happens and a few fight scenes. Overall Age Rating: 16+

Hidden (Firelight #3) by Sophie Jordan

Awesome Trilogy! Such a huge twist in the end! Loved it! Language: PG rated. Adult Stuff: Same as the previous books, mild and brief.  Violence: Brief and not graphic or detailed. Overall Age Rating: 13+

Vanish (Firelight #2) by Sophie Jordan

Thrilling! I loved it. The first one is better but not by much. In this book, you learn more about the Draki than in the first. Excellent book! Language:  PG rated, very mild. Adult Stuff: A few light kisses, nothing more than PG. Violence: There is a little more talk about the Draki hunters and what they do with the Draki but it is not graphic. Overall Age Rating: 13+

Firelight by Sophie Jordan

Read this book in a day and it is so good! It has a few cliches but the storyline and the characters are so unique. Language: Light language, no more than a PG movie. Adult Stuff: A few kisses and high school drama but not graphic. When Jacinda shifts she has to get undressed but it is not described in detail. Violence: The Draki are hunted and there is talk of how they are killed.  Overall Age Rating: 13 or older.

Music Review of Hamilton An American Musical (broadway cast recording)

Great songs but some have language and adult content. Click  Here  to read the lyrics to the songs in Hamilton. Enjoy!

Book Review of The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn by Lori Benton

Where to start... I loved the romance and the adventure. The twists and turns were amazing! I'll be praying for a sequel to this book! Seriously, this book is everything you'd want, clean, romantic, humorous, and Christian!? What! Language: None. Adult Stuff: Some kisses but not inappropriate, and one other thing, without spoiling it, a traumatic event happens but it is not described graphically. Everything was done very tastefully.  Violence: Light. Youngest age to read it: 12- 13 and older.

Book Review of Many Sparrows by Lori Benton

AWESOME   Where to begin? This book was amazing! While reading the book you feel like you're in the time period! There were so many times that I was swept away by this book. This book holds everything that makes a book great! It has an adventurous journey, a bucket load of relatable characters, an adorable and gripping love story, a story of faith, and redemption. I highly recommend this book to anyone!  Language: None. Adult Stuff: A few kisses but nothing graphic. Violence: A little, but not graphic at all. Youngest age to read it : 12 or older.

Book Review of The Nine Lives Of Chloe King by Celia Thompson and Liz Braswell

Having watched the Tv series first, I was disappointed in how the friendships were. I loved how Chloe and her mom were like friends in the Tv series but the book had them more like mom and rebellious teen. I only got a few pages in before I thought "I don't want the book to ruin how the characters are in the Tv series." So, if you've seen the Tv series then be prepared for disappointment. Language: There is some language, I'd say the same amount as in Vampire Academy. (Click  here  to read the review) Adult Stuff: Chloe goes to a club with an agenda of 'hooking up' with a guy, she gets close. Detailed but not graphic, if that makes sense. Violence: Chloe hurts a few people with her.. powers. Described and blood is mentioned. Youngest age to read it :  Later teens.

Book Review of Hunted by Meagan Spooner

I bought this book with no idea how clean or dirty it would be. A leap of faith if you will. But, I was very pleased with how clean it was. It had an amazing storyline and relatable characters with such personality. It is a beautiful retelling of a timeless classic. Also, can we talk about the cover!? So breathtaking! Language: One or two d**ns. Adult Stuff: Without spoiling it, Yeva wakes up next to a fire and she is naked but she has furs over her. Not graphic, we later learn it was because she would have had hypothermia if she stayed dressed. Violence:  Yeva discovers a dead body and there is mention of blood.  Overall Age Rating: I'd say 13.

Book Review of Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

DNF (did not finish)... This book had such a cool and fresh storyline that I was excited to read it! Until I stumbled upon the language scattered through this book about as often as the word "the" or "a". Oh well... :( Language: LOTS!  Multiple F-bombs and various other language is scattered throughout. Adult Stuff: I only got a few chapters in but the book discussed some adult content and the heroine is very blunt so it can be taken as rude. There is also talk that Rose and Lissa had a romantic relationship (which is not true). There is also.... tension between the Rose and Dimitri.  Violence: A few descriptions of how to kill Strigoi but not graphic. Overall Age Rating: Older teens in my opinion.

Book Review Of The Vampire Stalker by Allison van Diepen

This book had SO much potential and I feel like it only scratched the surface. It was refreshing to have characters with personality, and depth. Overall it was a fun and easy read. Language: None Adult stuff: Just a few light kisses but nothing inappropriate Violence: A few descriptions of vampire kills but not graphic Overall Age Rating: I'd say a ten-year-old could read it and be fine

New Blog

Wow... I never thought I'd have a blog. I'm not one to write much but I want to start writing more reviews, maybe a few short stories, and stuff so here I am. Please excuse my many errors and bear with me. I cannot wait to start typing!